J'ai commencé l'écriture de ce livre il y a des années alors que j'enseignais. Je trouvais de nombreux obstacles et défis communs à mes élèves à cette époque.
Le but de cet ouvrage est de vous aider à découvrir et à apprendre des maîtres du be-bop.
Classée n° 1 en 1993 par la revue "Modern Drummer", dans la liste des 25 meilleurs ouvrages de percussions.
The objective and challenge of this book is to provide diverse tools to recreate the real difficulties that concern Time and Groove through the study of the most representative patterns of different musical styles. A path to be able to recognize, evaluate and improve your limits in this field. A book useful for professionals, to review the main technical difficulties they usually encounter while accompanying a certain musical style and in which they perhaps recognise that they have some deficiencies; to students, as a guide to discover the essential technical work, so that they can play in different styles; to teachers, who will also have a point of reference for their multi-stylistic lessons.